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Natural Birth

Natural birth is just one of the many child birthing options. There are also several ways to go about having a natural birth. There are several pros and cons to having a natural birth, which we will explore in this article. Keep reading to learn more about natural child birth.

When it comes to delivering your baby, there are several options to consider. Due to possible health conditions or health risks, the choice might be made for you depending on what your midwife or health care professional deems necessary. However, in most low-risk pregnancies, the choice of how to deliver one's child is left up to the mother and her partner. Many women opt for natural birth for several different reasons. Understanding what natural birth is and the difference between different types of child birth may help you make your decision when the time comes. 

What is Natural Birth?

Natural child birth involves traditional child birth with no pain medications or epidural shot to help numb the pain. The idea of natural birth is to be able to remain in as much control of your own body as possible during the birth process. You can feel each and every push during labor. However, because there are no pain medications or numbing involved, you must be aware about the potential for pain and discomfort along with the labor pains and pushing. Usually when a woman is preparing to deliver naturally, she will take birthing classes or meet with a labor coach to learn the art of proper breathing during labor. The right breathing technique works because it allows the mother to try and breathe through the pain as she delivers. It also help avoid too much strain on the mother while pushing. 

The Pros and Cons to Natural Birth:

When it comes to natural birth versus having a birth with medications involved, there are a few benefits for both the mother and the baby. For example, most natural childbirth techniques are not invasive. This means there is little risk for harm and side effects for the mother and baby.  Many mothers who have reported having a natural birth say they feel more strong and empowered during labor followed by a sense of accomplishment. However, that is not to say that medicated births don't have a similar effect on the new mothers, but those who have natural birth follow by saying they would do it again. Many women prefer to be in charge of their own bodies, which may also help lessen their perception of pain. 

Many women who have a natural birth also say they would like to be able to stay awake and active during labor, and birth. Many mothers enjoy being able to move around to find a more comfortable position and know when to push during the labor process. Women who give birth naturally also don't have to worry about being connected to an IV or having a catheter put in to control the direction of their bladder. There are also other tactics besides breathing exercises that can be used to help manage the main including hypnosis and visualization. Other pros to having natural birth include the less likelihood of having the baby removed via vacuum extraction and forceps delivery. The benefit to the baby involves the baby feeling less groggy directly after birth. They are more awake and aware of their surroundings. 

However, there are some cons to natural birth including the pain and discomfort. This is beneficial especially if the labor takes a long time or requires a lot of interventions. For some women, especially those who have a low tolerance for pain, will find that the pain of labor outweighs the pros of having a natural birth. In fact, most hospitals report that 90 percent of all pregnancies result in a epidural being used during pregnancy negating natural birth. 

Choosing a Natural Birth:

If you are planning to have a natural birth it is important that you discuss all of your options with your health care provider or midwife. Some women may opt for a midwife if they plan on having an at-home birth or at a birthing center. In these situations, a midwife must be present. A midwife can also be the primary care giver and deliver the baby at a hospital as well. In any situation, talk to your health care professional to get all of your questions answered prior to the big day, so you have time to mentally prepare. There are many coping methods like self-hypnosis as well as Lamaze and breathing techniques you can use to ease the pain. After you have discussed these pain relief methods with your health care provider, be sure to practice prior to the natural birth. When a woman receives Braxton Hicks contractions in the days leading up to her delivery, it is important to try out the breathing, self-hypnosis and even other methods of pain relief like hydrotherapy and massage to help deal with the pain. Research all you can before going into the delivery room so you can feel as prepared as possible for your natural birth. 


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